Results for 'Orhan Ş Koloğlu'

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  1.  6
    Uluslararası Hocazâde Sempozyumu (22 - 24 Ekim 2010 Bursa) bildiriler.Tevfik Yücedoğru, OrhanKoloğlu, Ulvi Murat Kılavuz & Kadir Gömbeyaz (eds.) - 2011 - Bursa: Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi.
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    Ethical challenges in accessing and providing healthcare for Syrian refugees in Türkiye.Maide Barış, Gürkan Sert & Orhan Önder - 2023 - Bioethics 39 (1):49-57.
    Türkiye hosts approximately 3.6 million Syrian refugees, which accounts for roughly 4.5% of Türkiye's population. This places undeniable pressure on public institutions, particularly on healthcare services. The objective of this study is to document the healthcare structure for Syrian refugees and various challenges faced by Syrians when seeking healthcare and to highlight the ethical concerns emerging from those challenges. To achieve this, we conducted a comprehensive review of several qualitative studies and reports conducted by various organizations and institutions, specifically focusing (...)
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    Ülkü Tamer'in "Soğuk Otların Altında" Adlı Kitabında Kent Algısı.Orhan Sarikaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):933-933.
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    The Hereafter in the Context of ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla al-Simnānī’s Understanding of Mystical Training.Kübra Zümrüt Orhan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):375-393.
    The hereafter, one of the main pillars of Islam, has been discussed by both theologians and Ṣūfīs from various angles and interpreted in many different ways. Although there is consensus on the main subjects, there are a lot of controversies in details. One of the Ṣūfīs who authored on diverse problems over the hereafter is ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla al-Simnānī (d. 736/1336). He was a Kubrawī shaykh during the Īlkhānid era. He inclined towards the Ṣūfī path after serving the Buddhist ruler Arghun (...)
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    Criticism against Ibn al-Arabī from among Sūfī’s: the Case of ‘Alā’ al-Dawla al-Simnānī.Kübra Zümrüt Orhan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):631-649.
    : ‘Alā’ al-Dawla al-Simnānī (d. 736/1336) was a Kubrawī sheikh lived in Simnān one hundred years after Ibn al-Arabī (d. 638/1240). He authored around ninety works in Arabic and Persian on various fields within Sūfism, raised many disciples. His contribution to the sūfī tradition mainly come to forefront regarding problems like unity, latāif (subtle organs), rijāl al-ghaib (men of the unseen), wāqia (dream-like mystical experiences) and tajallī (manifestation). Simnānī’s understanding of the unity influenced subsequent sūfī’s and specifically Ahmad Sirhindī (d. (...)
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    9. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin İstiklal Marşındaki Kelimelerin Anlamlarını Bilme Durumlarının İncelenmesi Ü.Salih Orhan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1259-1259.
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    Şeyhî Divanı'nda Şiir Anlayışı.Orhan Kaplan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):601-601.
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  8. A private reading of André Gide's public Journal.Orhan Pamuk - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (3):679-690.
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    Patient Privacy.Orhan Onder, Ilhan Ilkilic & Cuneyt Kucur (eds.) - 2020 - İstanbul, Türkiye: ISAR Publications.
    The sense of shame is part of human nature. What, then, is the role and significance of such a particular sensation, one that causes mental anxiety in a sick person’s weakest and the most vulnerable state? We know from historical documents going back as far as ancient Greece and Egypt that respecting patient privacy should be regarded as a moral duty for physicians in charge of treatment. However much today’s healthcare may have changed compared to centuries past, we note that (...)
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  10. The World After the Pandemic - Science & Technology.Orhan Onder (ed.) - 2021 - İstanbul, Türkiye: YTB Publishing.
    The book consists of articles in various fields written by graduate students. The articles were selected among many which applied to the "International Student's Work Competition". Then divided into two categories and published a two-volume "The World After the Pandemic" book series. Articles in this volume are related to "Life Sciences and Medicine", "Lifestyle and Urban Planning", "Technology" and "Education" regarding the world after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  11. Düşünce tarihi.Orhan Hançerlioğlu - 1974 - Ịstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
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  12. kısım. Yeni zamanda Kant'a kadar felsefe.Orhan Sadettin - 1927 - In Karl Vorländer (ed.), Felsefe tarihi: Istanbul Dar al-fünûn medreselerinden Mehmet İzzet tarafından Qarl Forlandırın eserinden türkçeye nakl edilmiştir. Istanbul: Evkaf-i İslâmiyye Matbaası.
  13. Bakim Verenlerin Bakimi: İhtimam Etigi Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme.Orhan Onder, Birsu Barın, Ali Emre Bodur, Berk Erdogan, Bensu Ozmen, Ceren Acun & Seyhan Hidiroglu - 2023 - Turkish Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):113-123.
    Amaç: Kanserle yaşayan bireylerin (KYB) bakımında, resmiyette görünür olmayan ve çoğunlukla herhangi bir profesyonel donanıma sahip olmayan, ama sürecin başından sonuna, hasta bireye eşlik eden bakım verenler kritik öneme sahiptir. Baş etmesi zor bir hastalık olan kanserle mücadele eden bireylerin bakımında, bakım verenler fiziksel, zihinsel ve sosyal birtakım zorluklarla karşılaşmaktadır. Bu araştırma, KYB’lere bakım veren, yakınlarının karşılaştıkları zorlukları gündeme getirmeyi ve ihtimam etiği perspektifinden, bakım verenlerin bakımına yönelik öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel olup araştırmanın (...)
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    İran’ın Şii Nüfuz Kuşağı Politikası: Bahreynli Şiiler Örneği.Orhan Karaoğlu - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):377-400.
    Pers İmparatorluğu'ndan miras kalan Pers perspektifi ile birlikte Şiilik, İran'ının jeopolitik eğitimini önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Siyasallaşması ile Şiilik, İran'ın ulusal kimliğinin yaratılmasında ve korunmasında en önemli faktörlerden biri, belki de en önemlisi haline gelmiştir. Çeşitli bölgelerde yaşayan Şiiler ile temas halinde bulunan İran bu teması Arap Baharı süreci sonrası yoğunlaştırmıştır. Bu makalede İran’ın Şii Nüfuz Kuşağı Politikası bağlamında Bahreyn’deki Şiiler ele alınmıştır. Makalede ilk olarak Bahreyn’in sosyolojik ve dini yapısı hakkında genel bilgi verilmiş, akabinde Bahreyn’deki Şii gruplar ve liderlerin özelliklerine (...)
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  15. Başlangıcından bugüne özgürlük düşüncesi.Orhan Hançerlioğlu - 1966 - İstanbul,: Varlık Yaınevi.
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    Yazma Eserlerdeki Kuyûd't Işığında Geç Dönem (9-11. / 15-17.) Hanefî Fıkıh ve Usûl-i Fıkıh Eserlerinin Bilgi ve Kaynak Değeri. [REVIEW]Orhan Ençakar - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):397-431.
    Klasik eserlerin yazmalarında yer alan ve temellük, vakıf, kıraat, rivayet, icazet, minhüvât, mütalaa, fevâid, mukabele, tashih, ferağ vb. isimlerle anılan metin dışı kayıtlar/kuyûdât eser ve müellifi hakkında başka hiçbir kaynakta bulunmayan değerli bilgiler içerebilmektedir. Geçmişte klasik eserler üzerine kısıtlı imkanlarla yapılan akademik çalışma, tercüme ve tahkikli neşir faaliyetlerinde kapsamlı bir nüsha taraması yapmak çok mümkün olmadığı için yazmalarda yer alan kuyûdâtı görüp bunları bir kaynak olarak kullanmak pek rastlanan bir durum değildi. Yazma eserlerin onlarca dijital nüshasını aynı anda inceleme imkanını (...)
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    Approaches of Fuqahā to Mutawātir Reports in Ḥadīt̲h̲ Narration.Fatih Orhan - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1465-1483.
    The Book and the Sunnah are the two main sources of Sharʿī science. These two sources are based on narration which requires an absolute certainty, and this makes the reports, especially the mutawātir reports, important for Sharʿī sciences. Many people were involved in the transmission process of the Sunnah and the Book; therefore, Islamic scholars remained loyal to the technical concept “mutawātir reports” which is used in logic and is not open to doubt in terms of credibility. This is particularly (...)
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  18. Erdem aı̧şından düşünce tarihi.Orhan Hançerlioğlu - 1963 - İstanbul,: Varlık Yayınları.
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    Köprülü-zāde ‘Abd Allāh Pas̲h̲a and the Contents of his Poetry Book (Dīwān) in Manuscript Form.Orhan İyi̇şenyürek - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):23-44.
    Studies on the contributions made to the Arabic language and literature during the Ottoman period generally focused on the Arabic language grammar and rhetoric education given by the Ottomans in the madrasahs. However, it is seen that Ottoman scholars also produced some works in the field of Arabic poetry. In the mentioned period, the studies in the field of Arabic poetry and literature have been increasing in recent years. In this study, a poet, a recitation scholar and an Ottoman Pasha, (...)
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  20. On Bees and Humans.Ömer Orhan Aygün - 2013 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):337-350.
    This paper proposes a solution to the apparent contradiction between Aristotle’s positions concerning the bees’ ability to hear in the Metaphysics and in the History of Animals. It does so not by appealing to external (chronological or philological) emendations, but by disambiguating the Ancient Greek verb akouein into three meanings: hearing of sound (psophos), of voice (phônê) and of speech (logos). Such a differentiation shows that, according to Aristotle, bees do hear other bees’ intermittent buzzes as meaningful and interested calls (...)
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  21. Uluslararası İbni Sı̂nâ Sempozyumu bildirileri: 17-20 Ağustos 1983, Millı̂ Kütüphane, Ankara.Müjgân Cunbur & Orhan Doğan (eds.) - 1984 - [Ankara, Turkey]: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
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  22. Cocuklarda Covid-19 Asisinin Etik Acidan Incelenmesi.Ayşenur Daldaban Berberoğlu & Orhan Onder - 2023 - In Arın Namal, M. Kemal Temel, Ayşegül Erdemir, Bozena Plonka-Syroka & Fahrunnisa Kazan (eds.), Uluslararası Etik, Hukuk ve Medya Bakışıyla Salgınlar. Platanus Publishing. pp. 320-329.
  23. Tıbbi, Dini ve Etik Boyutlarıyla Genetik.Maide Baris & Orhan Onder (eds.) - 2024 - Istanbul: İsar Yayinlari.
    Genetics: Medical, Theological and Ethical Aspects Tibbi, Dini ve Etik Boyutlariyla Genetik -/- Genetik bilimi biyolojinin botanik ve zooloji alanındaki uygulamalarını aşarak, sınırlarını önce antropolojiye sonra tıbba doğru hızla genişletmiştir. Öyle ki artık biyokimyadan onkolojiye kadar neredeyse tüm biyomedikal disiplinler, genetiğin kavramları, ilkeleri ve metodolojisi ile aşılanmıştır. Modern tıbbın uygulama alanında geniş bir yer tutan genetik bilimi, bir hastalığa dair risk analizi, teşhis ve tedavi seçeneklerinin belirlenmesi, prognozun değerlendirilmesi gibi klinik uygulamanın farklı evrelerinde söz sahibi olmaktadır. İçinde bulunduğumuz 21. yüzyılda (...)
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    Orhan Pamuk’s Heroes Looking for Writing in a Postmodern Labyrinth.Demi̇r Fethi - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1811-1822.
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    Orhan Pamuk'un Kar Romanında Doğu ve Batı Kimlikleri Arasındaki Etkileşime Analitik Bakış.Ahmet Alver - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):469-469.
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    On The Collective Catalogues Of Sivas Court Records.Abubekir Sıddık Yücel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1059-1079.
    Court (Shar’iyya) recordings are at the forefront of primary written sources, which contain important documents related to Turkish history, sociology and culture. The court records shed light on city history of the period concerned with rich information and documents. These records are important books in which the documents related to the judicial, administrative, economic, architectural and social structure of a city as well as diplomatic correspondence between the center and the province were recorded. The purpose of this study is to (...)
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    University Student’s Perception Levels of Orhan Pamuk and Elif Şafak.Kirimli Bilal - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1320-1338.
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    Etkilenme Endişesi Bağlamında Orhan Pamuk'un Benim Adım Kırmızı Romanına Bakış Denemesi.Emrah GÜLÜM - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):579-579.
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    The Point Of View And Narrator In Orhan Kemal’s Novels.Ülkü ELİUZ - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1134-1165.
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    A Study of Comparative Look to the Novels of Umberto Eco’s Gülün Adı and Orhan Pamuk’s Benim Adım Kırmızı.Güzel Ekrem - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:583-595.
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    (1 other version)Prof. Dr. Muhammed İffet Şarkavî. Çağdaş Dinî Düşünce (Modern Dönem Tefsir Akımlarının Analitik İncelenmesi). Terc. Prof. Dr. Orhan Atalay-Prof. Dr. Veysel Güllüce. İstanbul: Ravza Yayınları, 2019, 310 s. [REVIEW]Zeynep Ceran - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
    Prof. Dr. Muhammed İffet Şarkavî, Çağdaş Dinî Düşünce (Modern Dönem Tefsir Akımlarının Analitik İncelenmesi) adlı çalışmasında “çağdaş sorunlar karşısında dinî düşüncenin vereceği cevaplar neler olabilir?” sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Eserin temel gayesi genelde tüm müslümanların bu sorunlara çözüm üretebilmek için sergiledikleri felsefî, kelâmî, hukukî gayretleri incelemek; özelde ise çağın problemleri karşısında müslüman müfessirlerin konumunu ortaya koymaktır diyebiliriz. Müellif müfessirlerin özellikle on dokuzuncu ve yirminci yüzyıllarda yoğunlaşan sömürgecilik faaliyetlerinin İslam coğrafyasında sebep olduğu siyasî, ekonomik, kültürel bunalımlara çözüm sadedinde ortaya koydukları fikir akımlarıyla (...)
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    Bioethics and authoritarian discourse.Tolga Güven - 2016 - Türkiye Biyoetik Dergisi 3 (2):54-65.
    INTRODUCTION[|]This paper has been planned as a critical response to Murat Civaner's article entitled 'Medical Ethics arguments should be concordant with scientific knowledge and certain values', published in the Autumn 2015 issue of Turkish Journal of Bioethics. It also aims to provide an evaluation of the way the authoritarian discourse manifests itself in ethical arguments.[¤]METHODS[|]For this purpose, the paper first presents the views of Orhan Hançerlioğlu on Karl Marx and Karl Popper and treats these views as a written example (...)
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  33. A Pedagogy of Two Ways of Seeing: A Confrontation of "Word and Image" in My Name Is Red.Feride Cicekoglu - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 1-20 [Access article in PDF] A Pedagogy of Two Ways of Seeing:A Confrontation of "Word and Image" in My Name is Red 1 Feride Çiçekoglu The novel of Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red, recently the center of controversy, not only in its homeland Turkey but in all the countries where it was translated, focuses on the debates around image-making in (...)
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    A pedagogy of two ways of seeing: A confrontation of "word and image" in.Feride Cicekoglu - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 1-20 [Access article in PDF] A Pedagogy of Two Ways of Seeing:A Confrontation of "Word and Image" in My Name is Red 1 Feride Çiçekoglu The novel of Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red, recently the center of controversy, not only in its homeland Turkey but in all the countries where it was translated, focuses on the debates around image-making in (...)
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    Difference, Visual Narration, and "Point of View" in My Name Is Red.Feride Cickoglu - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 124-137 [Access article in PDF] Difference, Visual Narration, and "Point of View" in My Name is Red Feride Çiçekoglu This paper focuses on the difference between Eastern and Western ways of visual narration, taking as its frame of reference the novel My Name is Red, by Turkish author Orhan Pamuk, winner of the 2003 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, announced on (...)
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    Emotions, language and identity on the margins of Europe.Kyra Giorgi - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Nations usually define themselves in positive terms; they proclaim themselves strong and victorious, or developed and prosperous. But what does it mean when the opposite is true - when negative feelings like regret, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism are said to be the true essence of a culture? And what does it mean when these feelings are encapsulated in a single, untranslatable word?Bringing together three such word-concepts from Europe's periphery - saudade in Portugal, the Czech litost of Milan Kundera and (...) Pamuk's of Istanbul - this book investigates claims that they embody the historical experiences and character of a people. In each case, it explores the historical, cultural and psychological mechanisms behind the invention of negative autostereotypes to offer new ways of thinking about individual and collective identities. This eclectic and broad-ranging study is not only a historical survey of emotions, but also a meditation on hope, belonging and the search for authenticity in the modern age. (shrink)
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    The Babylonian planet: culture and encounter under globalization.Sonja Neef - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Martin Neef & Jason Groves.
    What is astro-culture? In The Babylonian Planet it is unfolded as an aesthetic, an idea, a field of study, a position, and a practice. It helps to engineer the shift from a world view that is segregated to one that is integrated - from global to planetary; from distance to intimacy and where closeness and cosmic distance live side-by-side. In this tour de force, Sonja Neef takes her cue from Edouard Glissant's vision of multilingualism and reignites the myth of the (...)
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  38. Particular Symmetries: Group Theory of the Periodic System.Pieter Thyssen & Arnout Ceulemans - 2020 - Substantia 4 (1):7-22.
    To this day, a hundred and fifty years after Mendeleev's discovery, the overal structure of the periodic system remains unaccounted for in quantum-mechanical terms. Given this dire situation, a handful of scientists in the 1970s embarked on a quest for the symmetries that lie hidden in the periodic table. Their goal was to explain the table's structure in group-theoretical terms. We argue that this symmetry program required an important paradigm shift in the understanding of the nature of chemical elements. The (...)
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  39. Furcht, Angst und hüzün Die Entformalisierung zweier ontologischer Begriffe Heideggers durch Pamuks Begriff kollektiver Wehmut.Tobias Henschen - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:307-330.
    This paper attempts a new interpretation of Heidegger’s existential analysis of the phenomena of fear and anxiety. Heidegger is shown to analyze both phenomena as basic states-of-mind . Basic states-of-mind are taken to differ from other states-of mind in that they are formal phenomena, i.e. phenomena that are not apparent or experienced themselves, but only concretize in apparent and experienced phenomena. As an instance of phenomena, in which the formal phenomena of fear and anxiety concretize, the paper presents hüzün, a (...)
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    Hegel's philosophy of action.Lawrence S. Stepelevich & David Lamb (eds.) - 1983 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Papers delivered at the joint meeting of the Hegel Society of America and the Hegel Society of Great Britain held at Merton College, Oxford, Sept. 1-4, 1981, to mark the 150th anniversary of Hegel's death. Includes bibliographical references and index.
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  41. Garmonii︠a︡--t︠s︡el--garmonii︠a︡: khudozhestvennoe soznanie v zerkale pritchi.S. Z. Agranovich - 1997 - Moskva: Mezhdunar. in-t semʹi i sobstvennosti. Edited by I. V. Samorukova.
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    Re definition and Alston's 'illocutionary acts'friedrich Christoph doerge university of tübingen.Acts Alston’S.‘Illocutionary - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73:97-111.
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    La esencia en la metafísica: X. Zubiri y Tomás de Aquino.José Cercós Soto - 1994 - Barcelona: PPU.
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    From the Autobiographical Letters of S. T. Coleridge.S. T. Coleridge - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 2 (3-4):46-47.
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  45. (1 other version)Viveka cūḍāmaṇi: Śaṅkarakr̥ti-ślōkamū, Telugu padyamū, vyākhyā. Śaṅkarācārya - 1990 - Karnūlu: Pratulaku, Anumula Veṅkaṭa Śēṣakavi. Edited by Anumula Veṅkaṭaśēṣakavi.
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  46. James's Will-to-Believe Doctrine: A Heretical View.James C. S. Wernham - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (3):423-427.
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  47. Real Portraits in Literature.Stacie Friend - 2019 - In Hans Maes (ed.), Portraits and Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 213-228.
    Many works of fiction include portraits in their storyworlds. Some of these portraits are themselves fictional, such as the portrait of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde's novel. Others are real, such as the Darnley portrait of Elizabeth I in A. S. Byatt's The Virgin in the Garden. When authors invent portraits, they expect us to visualise them. When they refer to real portraits, they exploit our familiarity with how they actually look. Like representations of other real entities in fiction, references (...)
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    Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid (review).Andrew S. Becker - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):324-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 324-328 [Access article in PDF] Michael C. J. Putnam. Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. xii 1 257 pp. Cloth, $35. This is a book about ekphrasis, about the Aeneid, about ancient Greek and Latin literature, about poetry and poetics, and about the ways in which literature can affect the way we live our (...)
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    Blumenberg’s Rhetoric.D. S. Mayfield (ed.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Marking the 50th anniversary of one among this philosopher's most distinguished pieces, Blumenberg's Rhetoric proffers a decidedly dialogic and diversified interaction with the essay polyvalently entitled 'Anthropological Approach to the Actuality and Topicality (or Currency, Relevance) of Rhetoric' (Anthropologische Annäherung an die Aktualität der Rhetorik), first published in 1971. Following Blumenberg's lead, the contributors consider and tackle their topics rhetorically, 'in utramque partem vel in plures'--treating (inter alia) the variegated discourses of Phenomenology, the History of Philosophy, Anthropology, and the téchne (...)
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  50. Vaiyākaraṇānāmanyeṣāṃ ca matena śabdasvarūpatacchaktivicāraḥ.Kāl̲ik̲āprasāda Śukla - 1979 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālaye.
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